0.1.9 beta (15 nov 2013) -------------------------- earteach.js > makeScroller() bugfix. (After Chrome update stopped working.) earteach.js > (chord trainer constructor) now root note is transposed 1 octave down for easier recognition (unreleased) JSPiano.js > implementation of Web Audio API (AudioContext) for deeper sound management (unreleased) JSPiano.js > new initiation system (unreleased) 0.1.8 beta (18 june 2013) -------------------------- index.html > added _DesktopClientGateway.js inclusion (for desktop application) multilanguage.js > spanish translation corrections earteach.js > preset constructor, custom items names. earteach.js > progressions trainer implemented 0.1.7 beta (10 june 2013) -------------------------- earteach.js > multilanguague issue fixed earteach.js > preset constructor, new preset saving issue fixed earteach.js > implementation of AjaxAPI comunication system. 0.1.6 beta (06 june 2013) -------------------------- earteach.js > bugfix in stats rendering engine earteach.js > added custom preset constructor section + complementary functions earteach.js > code reorganization (multilanguage functions & testEngine now in independent files) testengine.js > trainer object handler added (instead to explicit acces to TRAINERS object, now uses referenceed object) server.php > saveNewPreset() added (custom preset saver function) server.php > deletePreset() added (preset deletion) earteach.js > GUI general improvement earteach.js > custom preset deletion function earteach.js > untranslated String warning only for admins testEngine.js > adaptation to previous changes + minor bugfixes 0.1.5 beta (29 may 2013) -------------------------- server.php > Added getActivity() to API. Return requested day's ammount of completed exercises (registered in stats table). earteach.js > API calls, with explicit null arguments, are converted to '' (empty string) JSHarmony.js > Added makeChordFromGrade(), getChordTypeFromGrade() and getGradeMode() -required for future chord progresions trainers- 0.1.4 beta (21 may 2013) -------------------------- JSpiano.js > added Note Name Tag in each key (configurable) earteach.js > CONFIG object created (future earteach configuration definitions container) earteach.js > rendering of piano keys notenames when interactive anwser is launch (after icorrect anwser is provided) 0.1.3 beta (18 may 2013) -------------------------- JSPiano.js > New Piano Sound Bank (http://theremin.music.uiowa.edu/MISpiano.html) earteach.js > some GUI fixes & improvements earteach.js > improved trainer statistics graph render 0.1.2 beta (1 may 2013) -------------------------- earteach.js > improved TEST random question selector earteach.js > added correct result exposition of anwser failure earteach.js > bugfix in replay button, sound overlaping resolevd with implementation of muteAndPlay() function earteach.js > root note in each TEST round is now generated by newRound() and passed to trainer.constructor(), in order to achieve that each awnser posibillity sharing the same root earteach.js > added trainer statistics graphs 0.1.1 beta -------------------------- server.php > added keepAlive function server.php > added CORS support (for desktop app, and debuging) earteach.js > added session keepAlive call (interval call) earteach.js > correction in regexp for email validation earteach.js > added translations to Spanish